Upcoming Workshops
Fall 2025
Group 57
LifeChange Camp-
Clinton, MO
Journey 1: Sept 26-28
Journey 2: Oct 1-5
Journey 3: Nov 14-16
Journey 4: Dec 5-7
opening soon!
Have You ever asked yourself...
Where is my life going?
Why are relationships so hard?
Is genuine intimacy possible?
Who am I really?
Are God's promises real?
What does hope look like?
Will I ever shake the feelings of: loneliness, anger, control, hurt, fear, shame, inadequacy judgement... the list goes on?
MAN, have we got an adventure for you!
in a
Grace Adventure 2.0 is designed to help you capture a clearer image of who God says you are.
Then discover & overcome any obstacles in your life that keeps you from living your life in that identity.
Workshop Details
What tools does it equip you with?
Journey 1: Finding what beliefs we have been living from & how it aligns with God's view.
Journey 2: Unpacking what we've been carrying & recovering our true identity in Christ.
Journey 3: Learning to put unhealthy patterns down & new ways to live out our true identity.
Journey 4: Connecting with God & discovering steps to live out the calling he places on our heart.
Follow Up: Seven weekly meet-ups starting after Journey 2 to process the experiences of the workshop as well as add additional resources.